Been to the East Been to the West
X:1 T:Been to the East, been to the West N:From the playing of the Leake County Revelers (Mississippi), with N:fiddler Wil Gilmer. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D: D: D:Columbia 15318-D (78 RPM), Leake County Revelers (1928. Recorded D:04/1928 in New Orleans, La.). D:Document DOCD 8029, "Leake County Revelers, vol. 1" (1998) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G (Bc|d)cde d2B2|dedB G2 ((3ABc|d)edd B3G|A2 G4Bc| dcde dcBc|dedB G2((3ABc|d)edd B3G|A2 G4:| [B2g2]-|[Bg]a [B2g2][_Bf]-[=B2g2]a|b2 a4- ag-|ag a2 abag|f2[d4f4]([de]-[ee]-| [ee])e e2 +slide+[e3e3]e|g2 e4 ef|gfed d2 (B/c/B) |A2G4||
T:Been to the East, been to the West
S:Liz Slade
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
N:Sung to 'A' part "I been to the east and I been to the west,
N:and I been to Alabama,
N:Prettiest girl I ever did see, and her name was Susianna."
B/c/|dd/A/ B/A/B/c/|dd B/A/B/c/|d/B/d/A/ B/A/B/B/|A/ G G/ GB/c/|
d/B/d/A/ B/A/B/B/|d/B/d/A/ B(g|g/)B/d B/A/B/B/|A/ G G/ G:|
|:B|g>e gg/(b/|b)(a a)(a|a)a/a/ a/b/a/g/|f/ d d/ dd
(e/ e) (e/ e)e/f/|g/f/g/f/ f/e/e/f/|g/f/e/A/ B/A/B|A/ G G/ G:||