T:Glamorganshire March
R:Air and March
N:Indicated tune for “The Norman Horse Shoe” (Y Bedol Normanaidd), words
N:by Sir Walter Scott, whose song “celebrates a supposed victory obtained
N:by the Welsh over Clare, Earl of Striguil and Pembroke, and Neville,
N:Baron of Chepstow, Lord Marchers of Monmouthshire. Rymney is a
N:stream which divides the Counties of Monmouth and Glamorgan.
N:Caerphily the scene of the supposed battle, is a vale upon its
N:banks, dignified by the ruins of a very ancient castle.”
B:John Thomas – Y Caniedydd Cymreig/The Cambrian Minstrel (1845, p. 18)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
AG|F2F2F3G|F>G A>B c2 BA|B2B2 A2 GF|c2c2c2 f>d|
c>d B.c A>B G>A|F>G A>B c2 BA|B2B2 Bc d2|e2c2c2z2||f2|
g>e f>d c>A B>G|FG AB c2 BA|d2d2 de f2|e2c2!fermata!c2 (3cde|
fg fe d3c|Bc de f3d|c>d B.c A>B (G>A)|{G}F2F2F2z2||
c2|c2c2c3f|f>d c>B A2 dc|e2e2f2f2|e2f2e2 f>g|
f2f2f2 ed|c2f2f2f2|f2b2g2f2|e2f2e2z2||f2|
c2f2 e>f g2|ag fee f|e2|f2f2f2a2|ge f2 !fermata!e2 (3efg|
f2a2a3a|g2ge d3f|e>d g2f2e2|f2f2f2z2||
c2|A2c2 A3G|AG FE F2A2|c2c2c2 dA|G2A2G2 A>d|
A>B G>A F>G E>F|F>E c>B A2A2|d2d2 dc BA|G2A2G2z2||BA|
C2 AF Ac GB|AB cd A2 GB|cB B2 Bc d2|cB A2G2c2|
A2d2d3A|dc BA B3B|GA GE cd c>B|A2B2A2z2||
V:4 clef = bass
F,2|F,2F,2F,3C,|A,,B,, C,2F,2F,2|G,2G,2F,2D,2|E,2C,2C,2C,2|
F,2F,2F,2C,2|A,>G, F,>G, F,2F,2|B,2B,,2D,2G,2|C,2C,2C,2z2||D,2|
E,G, F,A, C2E,2|F,2F,2 C,2C,2|B,,2B,2 B,A, G,F,|G,2F,2C,2C,2|
D,2D,2 D,E, F,2|G,>A, B,>C D2D,2|E,F, G2C2C,2|F,2F,2F,2z2||
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