Miss Drummond of Drumtochty’s Strathspey
Miss Drummond of Drumtochty’s Strathspey: Annotations
X:1 % T:Miss Drummond of Drumtochty’s Strathspey M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey C:Nathaniel Gow (1763-1831) B:Gow – Fourth Collection of Niel Gow’s Reels (1800) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F B|(A/B/c) (.c.c) f<Ta a2 {fg}|{a}gefd {d}c>AGB|(A/B/c) cc f<a Ta2 {ga}|g>ef>c {B}A2 A:|| G|FcAc FdBd|c<A{A}f>d {d}c>AGA|1 FcAc d>efa| g<ef>c {B}A2A:|2 E>Gac d>efg|a/g/f/e/ {e}f>c {B}A2A|| |:B|(A/B/c) (d/c/B/A/) Td>efg|{fg}a>gfd {d}c>AGB|(A/B/c) (d/c/B/A/) TB>cde|Tf>gac {B}A2A:| |:A/B/|c<Fd<F c<F f>d|cF {d}cB/A/ TG>ABc|cF {d}cB/A/ c<ATf>g|a/g/f/e/ fc {B}A2A:|]
Miss Drummond of Drumtochty’s Strathspey: Annotations