Mrs. Ferguson of Raith's Strathspey (1)
X:1 T:Mrs. Ferguson of Raith [1] M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:Glen Collection, vol. 1 (1891) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F c/B/|A<F F>A c>ecB|A<F c>A BGGB|A<F F>A c>e c<A|C<FE<G AFF:| |c|fcf>g a<f g>f|c>f b/a/g/f/ e<g g>a|f<c f>g afcA|C<FE<G AFF>c| f<c f>g a<f g>f|c>f b/a/g/f/ eggb|a<fg<e f>dc>A|Bdc>G AFF||
T:Mrs. Ferguson of Raith's Strathspey [1]
C:Robert Petrie
S:Petrie's Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c., 1790
Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 3/20/04
N:Petrie's First Collection, page 20
c/B/ | A<FF>A c>dcB | A<Fc>A BGGB | A<FF>A c>dc<A | C<FE<G AFF :||
c | fcf>g a<fg>f | c>f b/a/g/f/ e<(gg>)a | f<cf>g {fg}afcA | C<FE<G AFF>c |
f<cf>g {fg}a<fTg>f | c>f b/a/g/f/ e(gg)b | a<fg<e fdTc>A | B(dTc>B) AFF |]