Pig in the Parlour
X:1 T:Pig in the Parlour M:C| L:1/8 B:John Walsh – The Second Book of the Compleat Country Dancing-Master (3rd edition) B: (London, 1735, No. 14, p. 8) N:Each strain twice Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F F2|AFEF AFEF|d2c4 BA|B2A2G2F2|EF G4 F2| AFEF AFEF|de f4 ed|e2 dc G2=B2|cGEG C2|| c2|ecBc ecBc|b2 a4 gf|e2d2c2B2|AG F4 c2| ecBc gcBc|ga b4 ag|afef gece|f2c2A2||