Rossignol (1) (Le)
(Redirected from Rossignol (Le))
X: 1 T: Rossignol [1], Le T:Nightingale, The R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 D: N: The first two strains are "Le Rossignol", but the 2nd two are "Reel de Carillon." F: F: K: Gmaj |:dc|Bdgd bdgd|egde cAGE|D2F/E/D ADFD|FGAB ce e/d/c| Bdgd bdgd|egde cAGE|D2F/E/D ADFD|GBAF G2:| |:zG|FGAB cBcA|GABd ed^cB|^ceag fedc|edd^c d2ef| g/a/g f/g/f e/f/e d/e/d|c/d/c B/c/B A/B/A G/A/G|F/G/F E/F/E D/E/D C/D/C|B,/C/B, A,/B,/A, G,2AG| FGAB cBcA|GABd ed^cB|^ceag fedc|edd^c d2zf| gafg efde|cdBc ABGA|FGEF DECD|B,CA,B, G,2:| |:ze|dBGB dgbd'|d'c'bc' a3b|c'bc'a fdfa|gbag fedB| dBGB dgbd'|d'c'bc' a3b|c'bc'a fdfa|gbaf g2:|