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Annotation:Cailín na Gruaige Doinne

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Sheet Music for "No Score"No ScoreThe Traditional Tune Archive

CAILÍN NA GRUAIGE DOINNE (The Girl with the Brown Hair). Irish, Slow Air (4/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. The song begins:

Ar bhantaibh an tSróil sea d'fhagas mo stór,
'S a maithrín ag gleo gan dabht léi.
'D taobh grá ' thabhairt dom shórt sa d'fhánaí gan treoir,
Gan cairne buí óir i gcabhair dom.
'S í an bháb mhiochair modhail [mhodúil] ' chuir bláth ar mo sceol,
'S is páiste bhí óg gan dabht í
'S nach breá deas mo shórt ag geáitseáil ar bord,
Le cailín na gruaige doinne.

Additional notes

Source for notated version: -

Printed sources : - Ó Canainn (Traditional Slow Airs of Ireland), 1995; p. 15.

Recorded sources: -

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