Annotation:Drunkard's Dream (1)
X:1 T:Drunkard's Dream [1] M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air K:A EF|:EA {B}c3 B{c/B/}|AF{G/F/} E3A|{A}c3 B cB| A4 A{G/F/}|EA {B}c3 B{c/B/}|AF{G/F/} E3A|{A}c3B AB| 1 A4 EF:|2 A4 (AB)|ceef {c}(e2|e)(f e2c2)| {A}cc c3 B{c/B/}|cA E3A|c3 B{c/B/}cB|1 A4 (AB):|2 A4z3||
DRUNKARD'S DREAM [1]. AKA- "The Husband's Dream" (England). American; Tune and song (3/4 time). USA; Oklahoma, Missouri. A Major. AEac# tuning (fiddle). AABB. The words below are from Missouri:
Oh, Edward you look so happy now
You dress so neat and clean
I never see you drunk about
Pray tell me where you've been.
Your wife and family air they well
You once did use them strange
You have kinder to them grown
How come this happy change
How come this happy change
You have kinder to them grown
How come this happy change (Thede)
More verses in Thede.