Annotation:Flying Coach (The)
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X:46 T:Flying Coach. Le4.046, The B:L.Leadley MS#4 c1850 Z:Village Music Project, 2016 Steve Mansfield M:C L:1/8 N:NB.It looks like there is some complicated bowing being indicated, N:but the slurs are not clear. I have given one possible interpretation. Q:2/4=75 K:A %ed "_Only two sharps in ms" |(dc"NB1"e)c- c.B(dB) | BAcA AGFE | FAGB AcBd | cAec cBed | dcec cBdB | BAcA AGFE | FAGB Afed | c2A2A2 :| |: cd | edcd efge | agbg a2 ef/g/ | agfe fedc | cBBB B2 cd | edcd efge | agbg a2 ef/g/ | agfe cae^d | e2e2e2 :|
FLYING COACH, THE. English, Hornpipe. England; Yorkshire, Northumberland. G Major (Hall & Stafford, Raven): A Major (Merryweather & Seattle). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB.