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Annotation:Highland Mary (1)

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Sheet Music for "Highland Mary [1]"Highland Mary [1]hornpipe (England)A(ABB)4AGCGD7GD733GCGD7GD7GBGCD7GD7GD73GCGD7GD7GBook: Morris Ring (several versions)J.TimpanyNotes: Both Morris Ring and Timpany identify this tune with Bampton.Transcription: John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu>

HIGHLAND MARY [1]. English, Morris Dance Tune (4/4 time). G Major (Bacon-Longborough & Oddington versions, Mallinson): A Major (Bacon-Bampton version). Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (Bacon): ABB, x4 (Bacon-Ascot under Wychwood version, Mallinson): AABB (Bacon-Oddington version). Similar versions have been collected from the villages of Ascot-under-Wychwood (Oxfordshire), Longborough (Gloucestershire), Oddington (Gloucestershire), and Bampton (Oxfordshire) in England's Cotswold's. A 1943 field recording of Bampton morris musician William 'Jinkey' Wells (1868-1953) exists of the elderly musician playing this tune and singing his own accompaniment with nonsense 'mouth-music' syllables.

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Printed sources : - Bacon (The Morris Ring), 1974; pp. 25, 34 (Bampton), 252 (Longborough), and 271 (Oddington). Mallinson (Mally's Cotswold Morris Book), 1988; No. 24, p. 18 (Bampton) and No. 40, p. 26 (Longborough). Raven (English Country Dance Tunes), 1984; p. 79 (Longborough).

Recorded sources : - Cottey Light Industries CLI-903, Dexter et al - "Over the Water" (1993). Folktrax 90-084, "Constant Billy: the Morris Dancers of Bampton." Topic TSCD458, John Kirkpatrick - "Plain Capers" (1976/1992).

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