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Find traditional instrumental music
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\version "2.12.2"
\header {
book = "Peacocks' Tunes"
crossRefNumber = "1"
footnotes = ""
  tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-column { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } ‚Ä¢ \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Copyright ¬© 2005. \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"" } } } }
%tagline = ##f
voicedefault =  {
%\set Score.defaultBarType = "empty"
\repeat volta 2 {
\key g \major  d''16^\markup{1.Frisky}    b'16    g''16    d''16    e''16    d''16    c''16    b'16  \bar "|" 
a'16    b'16    c''16    d''16    c''16    b'16    a'16    g'16  \bar "|" 
d''16    b'16    g''16    d''16    e''16    d''16    c''16    b'16  \bar "|" 
a'16    c''16    b'16    a'16    g'8    g'8\break  }   
a'16    c''16    b'16    d''16    d''16    c''16    b'16    a'16  \bar "|" 
a'16    d''16    c''16    e''16    e''16    d''16    c''16    a'16  \bar "|" 
d''16    a'16    g''16    d''16    e''16    d''16    c''16    a'16  \bar "|" 
a'16    c''16    b'16    a'16    g'8    g'8\break  } 
\context Staff="default"

Latest revision as of 18:10, 15 June 2024

