
A push and pull; a tension between conflicting desires.
This is all it takes to turn my social behavior into complex and often unpredictable patterns dictated by influences beyond my immediate experience or ability to control.
Regardless of what we believe about the motivations for individual behavior, once we join a group we cannot be sure what to expect.
The paths that lead me (an Italian man) to Northumbrian music and instruments perhaps begin in the deep past and, of course, remain obscure to me.
But... a fiery passion is burning.
However, less is more in the modern minimalism so: less words and more music.
The Meaning of Life
Little Britain
Symphony No. 41 - Jupiter
Gödel, Escher, Bach – ein Endloses Geflochtenes (Douglas R. Hofstadter )
Don't like VGs
The New Yorker
Guinnes (Porter) beer
Basiano, Italy
30 November 0708
Senior IT Consultant
BA Degree in Science of Administration
Valerio M. Pelliccioni is (...not necessarily in this order):
- Affictionate father and stepfather and (once again) husband
- Passionate musician: Northumbrian small pipes, and Renaissance/Baroque Lute player
- Copyist and Engraver
- IT Infrastructure senior consultant, in the every (real) day life