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1. Overview<br>&lt;This section provides an overview of the project’s motivation, objectives, success criteria, major deliverables, and constraints. You might include a top-level summary of major milestones, required resources, schedule, and budget. &gt;<br>1.1. Project Purpose, Objectives, and Success Criteria<br>&lt;Define the purpose, scope, and objectives of the project and its delivered products. This information might already appear in the Vision and Scope Document. If so, avoid duplicating information in both places. Briefly state the business needs to be satisfied and the methods by which satisfaction of those needs will be determined. Define quantitative and measurable business objectives. Define the criteria by which key stakeholders will judge how successful the project is. State the relationship of this project to other projects and the integration of this product with other products. Other specific issues to address might include:
2.3. Roles and Responsibilities<br>&lt;List the major project team roles and the individuals who will fill these roles, along with the specific responsibilities those individuals will have. Identify the organizational units or project team roles that are responsible for all major work activities and supporting processes. Consider the following list of potential project roles, adapted to your organization’s local terminology:

Shared resources and their availability<br>• Shared designs, code, and hardware components<br>• Feature dependencies<br>• Schedule dependencies&gt;<br>1.2. Project Deliverables<br>&lt;List the major items to be delivered to the customers, subcontractors, integrators, or other parties. As appropriate, list the deliverables, their recipients, interim and final delivery dates, and delivery method. A table like the one below is a good way to show this information.&gt;
Project Manager<br>• Product Manager<br>• Technical Lead<br>• Software Lead <br>• Hardware Lead<br>• Architect<br>• Systems Engineer<br>• Requirements Analyst<br>• Software Engineer<br>• Hardware Engineer<br>• Test Engineer<br>• Configuration Control Board<br>• Configuration Management Manager or Coordinator<br>• Quality Assurance Manager, Coordinator, or Engineer<br>• Technical Applications Support<br>• Subject Matter Expert

Deliverable Recipients Delivery Date Delivery Method Comments<br> <br> <br>1.3. Assumptions, Dependencies, and Constraints<br><br>
Identify other internal and external project stakeholders who are not specifically members of the project team. Describe their relevance to the project and their degree of interaction for specific project activities. Potential topics to address regarding stakeholders include:
• List of all relevant stakeholders and the rationale for each stakeholder’s involvement<br>• Project roles and responsibilities of stakeholders during each life-cycle phase<br>• Relationships between stakeholders<br>• Relative importance of each stakeholder to project success by project phase<br>• Resources (such as training, materials, time, or funding) needed to ensure adequate stakeholder participation<br>• Schedule for phasing of stakeholder participation&gt;<br>3. Managerial Process Plans<br>&lt;This section defines the various project management plans and activities for the project. &gt; <br>3.1. Start-Up Plans<br>&lt;This section specifies plans that will lay a solid foundation for a successful project. Depending on the size and scope of the project, you may incorporate these plans directly in this section, or each section may simply contain a reference or hyperlink to a separate document.&gt;<br>3.1.1 Estimation Plan<br><br>

Revision as of 21:48, 19 February 2010

2.3. Roles and Responsibilities
<List the major project team roles and the individuals who will fill these roles, along with the specific responsibilities those individuals will have. Identify the organizational units or project team roles that are responsible for all major work activities and supporting processes. Consider the following list of potential project roles, adapted to your organization’s local terminology:

• Project Manager
• Product Manager
• Technical Lead
• Software Lead
• Hardware Lead
• Architect
• Systems Engineer
• Requirements Analyst
• Software Engineer
• Hardware Engineer
• Test Engineer
• Configuration Control Board
• Configuration Management Manager or Coordinator
• Quality Assurance Manager, Coordinator, or Engineer
• Technical Applications Support
• Subject Matter Expert

Identify other internal and external project stakeholders who are not specifically members of the project team. Describe their relevance to the project and their degree of interaction for specific project activities. Potential topics to address regarding stakeholders include:

• List of all relevant stakeholders and the rationale for each stakeholder’s involvement
• Project roles and responsibilities of stakeholders during each life-cycle phase
• Relationships between stakeholders
• Relative importance of each stakeholder to project success by project phase
• Resources (such as training, materials, time, or funding) needed to ensure adequate stakeholder participation
• Schedule for phasing of stakeholder participation>
3. Managerial Process Plans
<This section defines the various project management plans and activities for the project. >
3.1. Start-Up Plans
<This section specifies plans that will lay a solid foundation for a successful project. Depending on the size and scope of the project, you may incorporate these plans directly in this section, or each section may simply contain a reference or hyperlink to a separate document.>
3.1.1 Estimation Plan