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<p><font face="garamond, serif" size="4">
I’m very grateful to those individuals who have helped me throughout the years of the Fiddler’s Companion. I have had the opportunity to thank several, but by no means all, in the “Acknowlegements” page of that index, to which I refer you should you be interested.  
Many people helped me realize this project, to all of whom I owe a debt of gratitude and a sincere thanks. Gerard Manning hosted the Fiddler's Companion for many years on-line at his web-site Ceolas, and provided a much appreciated outlet for early versions. Thanks also to Jan Tappan at Fiddler's Crossing for early advice and direction. Lorna La Verne provided valuable advice, constructive criticism and helpful suggestions in the latter phases of the project, for which I am very grateful. Her cogent, clear and concise writing may be viewed in the "Fiddler's Companion Quick Start" file on the CD, which she wholly wrote and which was sorely needed. Thank you, Lorna. Bill Black allowed me to use all his abc formatted tunes from his fine tune book, one of my favorites. Thank you, Bill.</font></p>
With the launch of the Traditional Tune Archive, I would like to acknowledge the generous and invaluable support afforded me by the host of the Fiddler’s Companion, and now the Traditional Tune Archive, by Ibiblio, “the public’s library and digital archive.”  Ibiblio, a cooperative run by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been a stable, consistent and dependable platform for my indexing work, and they have been very helpful in establishing this new (and much more complicated) research tool.  
I would also like to thank Valerio Pelliccioni, whose idea it was to apply the semantic wiki format to the Fiddler’s Companion, and who had the vision to see the research potential of the properties of traditional music in a relational database.  Valerio’s organizing and programming skill, and his knowledge of semantic databases (along with his affinity for traditional music as a Northumbrian piper), has astonished me. He has made the project come alive in ways I never dreamed of.  
Finally, I would like to acknowledge the traditional music community on-line. In the past two decades there has been an explosion of individual projects, blogs, indexing projects, research projects, newsgroups, and databases about traditional instrumental music available on the World Wide Web, initiated and populated by individual effort and cooperative activity. I remember having to wait weeks for a desired text to be available through inter-library loan in the “old days,” much of which information is now available nearly instantly. However much I value the information, however, it is the collegial on-line discussions about traditional music that mean the most to me, and the relationships that have developed from them.
<p><font face="garamond, serif" size="4">
Andrew Kuntz
I have been, and still continue to be, greatly aided by patient staff at my local village library, the Grinnell, the New York Public Library, and at local university libraries such as Vasser and Fordham. Interlibrary loan is a wonderful thing, and I'm entirely like a kid at Christmas when I get a call that a long sought-after text has finally arrived. As Scrooge said: "I am as merry as a school-boy, I an as giddy as a drunken man."</font></p>
Feb. 16, 2010
<p><font face="garamond, serif" size="4">
Most of all I would like to thank those many enthusiasts who belong to the internet discussion groups Irtrad-L, Fiddle-L and Scots-L who for years have lent their expertise, constructive and creative comments, humor and thoughtful questioning to the process of exploring traditional music and performance. There are giants on these lists, whose selfless generosity in sharing their phenomenal expertise has immensely improved all our musical educations in general and The Fiddler's Companion in particular. Thank you Philippe Varlet, Paul de Grae, Nigel Gatherer, Kerry Blech, Joel Shimberg, Caoimhin Mac Aoidh, Charles Gore, Henrik Norbeck, Juergen Gier, Larry Sanger, Jeff Titon, Paul Wells, Bruce Olson, Dave Barton and the many, many others too numerous to name. Thank you to the many individuals on the lists who graciously agreed to allow me to reprint their abc's, including those listed above but also including Lorna La Verne, Jeff Myers, Dennis Gormley, John Chambers, Ted Hastings, Paul Tyler, Paul Kinder, Bill Shull, John Chambers, Toby Rider, Gary Chapin, Greg Taylor, Caroline Foty, Bill Reeder, Naka Ishii, Gilbert Bahn-Koepke, and Phil Sexton (...I'm sure I've missed important others, for which you have my apologies, although please believe it was purely inadvertent!)</font></p>
<p><font face="garamond, serif" size="4">
Thanks also to those on the lists who by their humor, enthusiasm, creativity and good grace keep the lists fun: Jeffrey Erickson, Mike Dugger, Jim Coogan and Bill Black in particular.

Revision as of 03:56, 17 February 2010

I’m very grateful to those individuals who have helped me throughout the years of the Fiddler’s Companion. I have had the opportunity to thank several, but by no means all, in the “Acknowlegements” page of that index, to which I refer you should you be interested. With the launch of the Traditional Tune Archive, I would like to acknowledge the generous and invaluable support afforded me by the host of the Fiddler’s Companion, and now the Traditional Tune Archive, by Ibiblio, “the public’s library and digital archive.” Ibiblio, a cooperative run by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been a stable, consistent and dependable platform for my indexing work, and they have been very helpful in establishing this new (and much more complicated) research tool. I would also like to thank Valerio Pelliccioni, whose idea it was to apply the semantic wiki format to the Fiddler’s Companion, and who had the vision to see the research potential of the properties of traditional music in a relational database. Valerio’s organizing and programming skill, and his knowledge of semantic databases (along with his affinity for traditional music as a Northumbrian piper), has astonished me. He has made the project come alive in ways I never dreamed of. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the traditional music community on-line. In the past two decades there has been an explosion of individual projects, blogs, indexing projects, research projects, newsgroups, and databases about traditional instrumental music available on the World Wide Web, initiated and populated by individual effort and cooperative activity. I remember having to wait weeks for a desired text to be available through inter-library loan in the “old days,” much of which information is now available nearly instantly. However much I value the information, however, it is the collegial on-line discussions about traditional music that mean the most to me, and the relationships that have developed from them. Andrew Kuntz Feb. 16, 2010