Frisky (1)
English, Reel. England, Northumbrian. G Major. Standard tuning. AABB.
The title appears in Henry Robson's list of popular Northumbrian song and dance tunes which he published c. 1800.
<lilybook> \version "2.10.33" \header { %book = "Peacocks' Tunes"
composer = \markup { \teeny {Indexed by:} \small {The Fiddler's Companion} }
%crossRefNumber = "1" %footnotes = "" tagline = ##f } voicedefault = {
%%%% START PASTE AREA %%%% \relative c { \repeat volta 2{
\stemDown d16^\markup{ \fontsize #2.1 { \hspace #0 {\raise #0.5 {Frisky}}}} b g' d e d c b| a b c d c b a g| d' b g' d e d c b| a c b a \stemUp g8 g\stemNeutral \break } \repeat volta 2 { a16 c b d d c b a| b d c e e d c b| d b g' d e d c b| a c b a \stemUp g8 g\stemNeutral \break } }
} %%%% END PASTE AREA %%%%
\context Staff="default" { \voicedefault }
>> \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } }
} </lilybook>
X: 1 T: Frisky M: 2/4 L: 1/16 K: Gmaj dBgd edcB| ABcd cBAG|dBgd edcB| AcBA G2G2:| AcBd dcBA|Adce edcA|dBgd edcB|AcBA G2G2:|
© 1996-2010 Andrew Kuntz. All Rights Reserved.
Engraver Valerio M. Pelliccioni