Mrs. Hamilton of Sundrum's (Junr.) Reel
Mrs. Hamilton of Sundrum's (Junr.) Reel: Annotations
X:1 T:Mrs. Hamilton of Sundrum's (Junr.) Reel M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:John French – Collection of New Strathspeys, Reels, etc. (1801) N:Dedicated to Mrs. Boswell of Auchinleck N:Published by Gow & Shepherd, “for behoof of Mr. French’s widow and children.” K:Amin E|ABcd ecBA|G2 Bd gdBG|ABcd egdc|BAGB A/A/A A:| g|ae (f/e/d/c/) (ae)e(c|d)egc TBAGg|ae (f/e/d/c/) (ae)e(c|B)AGB A/A/A (Ag)| aece ae(f/e/d/c/)|gdBd gd (e/d/c/B/)|cdea gedc|TBAGB A/A/A A||
Mrs. Hamilton of Sundrum's (Junr.) Reel: Annotations