Londonderry Hornpipe (The)
Londonderry Hornpipe (The): Annotations
X:1 % T:Londonderry Hornpipe, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:O'Neill - Dance Music of Ireland: 1001 Gems (1907), No. 925 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D A>G|F2 A>d f>dA>F|G2 G>B d>dB>G|F2 A>d f>dA>F|E2 G>B e>cA>G| F2 A>d f>dA>F|G2 B>d g2 a>g|f>af>d B>ge>c|d2f2d2:| |:f>g|a2 f>d A>df>a|g2 e>c A>ce>g|a2 f>d A>dg>f|(3efd (3cdB A2 f>g| a2 f>d A>df>a|g>fe>f g2 a>g|f>af>d B>ge>c|d2f2d2:| |:A>G|(3FED A>D B>DA>D|d>cd>f e>cA>G|(3FED A>D B>DA>D| E>GF>A G>BA>G|(3FED A>D B>DA>D|d>cd>f e>ce>g| (3fgf d>f {a}g>ec>e|d>f (3edc d2:| |:(3efg|a>^ga>b a>fd>f|g>fg>a g>ec>e|a>^ga>b a>fd>f|(3efd (3cdB A2 (3efg| a>^ga>b a>fd>f|g>fe>f g>ba>g|(3fgf d>f {a}g>ec>e|d>f (3edc d2:| |:f>g|(3aaa f>d A>df>a|(3ggg e>c A>ce>g|f>dg>e a>fb>g|e>cd>B A2 f>g| (3aaa f>d A>df>a|(3ggg e>c A2 a>g|f>dA>F E>ge>c|d2f2d2:| |:F>G|A>FA>d f>ed>c|B>GB>e g>fe>d|c>Ac>e a>gf>e|f>cd>B A2 F>G| A>FA>d f>ed>c|B>GB>d g2 a>g|f>af>d B>ge>c|d2g2d2:|]
X:1 T:Londonderry Hornpipe, The S:Belfast piper R.L. O'Mealy (1873-1947), c. 1945 N:From a handwritten lesson mss. M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B: Séan Reid Society Journal No. 1 (March, 1999) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D A/(G/|{A}(3F/E/F/A/)d/ f/d/A/(F/|{A}(3G/F/G/B/)d g/d/B/(G/|{A}(3F/E/F/A/)d/ f/d/A/F/|{A}E/D/E/F/ G/B/A/G/| {A}(3F/E/F/A/d/ f/d/A/(F/|{A}GB/)d/ ((3g/a/b/a/g/)|(3f/g/f/d/f/ (3e/f/e/c/e/|1 dd/c/ d:|2 dd/c/ d/e/f/(g/|| a)f/d/ A/d/e/(f/|g)e/d/ c/d/(3e/f/(g/|a)f/d/ A/(f/{a}g/f/)|e/d/c/B/ A(3e/f/(g/| a)f/d/ A/d/e/(f/|{a}g/f/)e/(f/ (3g/a/b/a/g/)|(3f/g/f/d/f/ (3e/f/e/c/e/|1 dd/c/ d/e/f/g/:|2 dd/c/ d||
Londonderry Hornpipe (The): Annotations