Lads of Alnwick (The)
Lads of Alnwick (The): Annotations
X:1 % T:Lads of Alnwick, The L:1/8 M:3/4 S:Bruce & Stokoe - Northumbrian Minstrelsy (1882) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G g2 de/f/ g/f/e/d/|BGgG B/c/d/B/|g2 de/f/ g/f/e/d/|cAeAce:| |:B/A/B/c/ dBdB|G/A/B/c/ dBdg|G/A/B/c/ dBdB|A/B/c/d/ eAce:| |:dg B/c/d/B/ gB|dg B/c/d/B/ ce|dg B/c/d/B/ gB|A/B/c/d/ eAce:| |:G/A/B/c/ d/e/d/c/ B/c/d/B/|d/e/d/B/ B/c/d/B/ dg| G/A/B/c/ d/e/d/c/ B/c/d/B/|A/B/c/d/ eAce:|
X:1 T:Lads of Alnwick, The M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Waltz B:Cocks - Tutor for the Northumbrian Half-Long Bagpipes (1925, No. 11, p. 10) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A a2 ef/g/ a/g/f/e/|cAaA c/d/e/c/|a2 ef/g/ a/g/f/e/|dBfBdf:| |:A/B/c/d/ ecec|A/B/c/d/ ecea|A/B/c/d/ ecec|B/c/d/e/ fBdf:| |:ea c/d/e/c/ ac|ea c/d/e/c/ df|ea c/d/e/c/ ac|B/c/d/e/ fBdf:| |:A/B/c/d/ e/f/e/d/ c/d/e/c/|e/f/e/c/ {e}c/d/e/c/ ea|A/B/c/d/ e/f/e/d/ c/d/e/c/|B/c/d/e/fBdf:|]
Lads of Alnwick (The): Annotations