Fairy Dance

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 Theme code Index    3H3H3H3H 3H3H72H
 Also known as    Rinnce na Sideoga, Ferry Reel (Da), Fisher Laddie, Haymaker (The), Quadrille des bûcherons: 3ème figure, Ronde des Vieux (La), Largo's Fairy Dance, Merry Dance (The), Old Molly Hare, Reel combiné, Rinnce na sideog, Rustic Dance (1)
 Composer/Core Source    Nathaniel Gow
 Region    Scotland, Ireland
 Genre/Style    Irish, Scottish
 Meter/Rhythm    Country Dance, Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    D
 Accidental    2 sharps
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    2/2
 Structure    AA'BB'
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:W.M. Cahusac
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Annual Collection of Twenty Four Favorite Country Dances for 1809
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 4
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1809
 Artist    J. Scott Skinner
 Title of recording    The Auld Wheel/The Bride's Reel/Mackenzie Fraser/Fairy Dance
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Regal G-6617 (78 RPM)
 Year recorded    1910
Fairy Dance

Played by: Charles Kendal
Source: Soundcloud
Image: The Hunt Ball
 Score   (1)   
Fairy Dance

X:1 T:Fairy Dance M:2/4 L:1/8 S:W.M. Cahusac's Annual Collection of 24 Country Dances for 1809, No 4 (London, 1809) N:"With proper Directions to each Dance as they are performed at N:Court, Bath, and all Public Assemblys." Z:Transcribed and edited by Fynn Titford-Mock, 2007 Z:abc's:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G B2 BG|B2 BG|B2 BG|FDAF|B2 BG|cBAG|FDEF|G4:| |:d2 dB|e2 ed|c2 cA|d2 dc|B2 BG|E2 cA|FDEF|G2 G2:||

X:2 T:Fairy Dance C:G. Swaine Buckley M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Buckley's New Banjo Method (1860, p. 21) N:A minstrel banjo setting of Gow's "Largo's Fairy Dance" Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A cc/e/ cc/e/|cc/e/ dBBe|cc/e/ dBBe|FG Az:| |:e/e/ (3e/e/e/ ff|(3d/B/B/ (3B/G/B/ e>d|c/>c/ (3e/c/A/ (3d/B/B/ (3e/B/G/|(3F/E/E/ (3e/B/G/ AA,:|]

X:3 T:Fairy Dance, The M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stephen Grier music manuscript collection (Book 2, c. 1883, No. 118, p. 26) B: http://grier.itma.ie/book-two#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=25&z=-147.4342%2C278.5367%2C2838.9907%2C1152.0833 N:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) was a piper and fiddler from N:Newpark, Bohey, Gortletteragh, south Co. Leitrim. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D f2 fd f2 fd|gfed cdeg|f2 fd gfed|1 cABc d2 d2:|2 cABc defg|| |:a2 af b2 bf|g2 ge a2 ag|f2 fd gfed|1 cABc defg:|2 cABc d2d2|]

X:4 T:Fairy Dance M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stewart-Robertson - The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D f2fd f2fd|f2fd cAeA|f2fd gfed|1 cABc d2de:| [2 cABc defg||:a2af b2ba|gfge a2ag|1 fefd B2 e>d| cABc defg:|2 fefd Bged|cABc d2D2|]

X:5 T:Fairy Dance, The L:1/8 M:C S:Joyce - Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D f2fd f2fd|gfed cdeg|f2fd gfed|cABc d2d2| f2fd f2fd|gfed cdeg|fafd gfed|cABc defg|| a2af b2bf|g2ge a2 ag|f2fd gfed|cABc defg| a2af b2bf|g2ge a2 ag|fagf gfed|cABc d2d2|]

X:6 T:Fairy Dance, The M:C L:1/8 R:Reel S:Rev. Luke Donnellan - "Oriel Songs and Dances", S:Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society (vol. II, No. 2, 1909; No. 23) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D fefd fefd|fefd cecA|fefd (3fga ed|cABc d2 df:| |:a2 af b2 bf|gfge a2 ag|fefd (3fga ed|cABc d2d2:|]

X:7 T:Fairy Dance M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Galwey - Old Irish Croonauns (1910, No. 4, p. 2) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D [A2f2] (f>d)|f2 (f>d)|[A2f2] (f>d)|c>A e>c|f2 (f>d)| g>fe>d|(c>A)(e>c)|d2D2::a2 a>f|b2 b>a|(g>f)g>e| a2 a>g|f2 f>d|TB2 (g>e)|c>AB>c|d2 df| {f}a2 a>f|{ga}b2 b>a|{a}g>fg>e|{^g}a2 a>=g| {g}f2 f>d|B2 (g>e)|(c>A)(B>c)|[F2A2d2]z2|]

X:8 T:Fairy Dance, The M:2/4 L:1/16 R:Country Dance B:T. Westrop's 120 Country Dances, Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes, Strathspeys, Spanish B:Waltz etc. for the Violin, n.d. (c.1923), no. 49 Z:R. Greig 2010 K:D f2(fd) f2(fd)|f2(fd) ecAe|f2(fd) gfed|cABc d2d2:| |:a2(af) b2(ba)|g2(ge) a2(ag)|f2(fd) gfed|cABc defg| (a^g).a.f (ba).=g.f|(gf).g.e| (ag).f.e| (fe).f.d (gf).e.d|cABc d2d2:|]

X:9 T:Fairy Reel, The (Irish version) R:reel Z:Philippe Varlet M:C L:1/8 K:G ~B3 A GBdB|{d}cBAG FGAc| BG~G2 cBAg|fdaf {a}gedc| ~B3 A GBdB|{d}cBAG FGAc| BG~G2 cBAG|1 FDEF G3 A :|2 FDEF GABc|| |:~d3 g e3 d|cA A/A/A d3 c|BG~G2 cBAg|fdaf {a}gfge| ~d3 g e3 d|cA A/A/A d3 c|BG~G2 cBAG|1 FDEF GABc :|2 FDEF G4|]