Royal Archers (1) (The)
X:18 T:Royal Archers or... . Tho24CDs1792.18, The T:Kentish Bowmen. Tho24CDs1792.18, The M:4/4 Q:1/4=110 L:1/16 C:"90" W: First Gent change Places with the 2d Lady .| W: 1st Lady change Places with the 2d Gent :| W: the same back again into your Places :|. :| W: lead down the middle up again & cast off .:| W: Right & Left.:||:. B:Thompson 24 CDs 1792 Z:Village Music Project, Anne Wride, 2017 K:A (ABcd) e2a2 f2d2e2c2|d2f2e2c2 d2B2 B4|(ABcd) e2a2 f2d2e2c2|(defd) (BcdB) c2A2 A4:| |:a2e2c2A2 a2e2c2A2|d2f2c2e2 d2B2 B2(fg)|a2e2c2A2 (fgae) (dcBA)|(defd) (BcdB) c2A2 A4:| |:E2A2c2e2 E2A2c2e2|(agfe) (fedc) d2c2 B4|E2A2c2e2 f2g2 a2gf|e2dc BcdB c2A2A4:|