Dundee Volunteers March (The)
X:1 T:Old Fife March M:2/4 L:1/8 N:Collected in southwestern Pa. from fifer and fiddler N:Bill Miller (Cherry Tree, Indiana County). Bayard thought N:the tune to have been derived from "Dundee Volunteers". B:Bayard - Dance to the Fiddle, March to the Fife (1981, No. 272) K:G D|G2A2|BG ED|G2A2|B3D|G2 A>A|BG c>A|BG AF|G2 zz:| |:B/c/|d3d|.e.d B.G.|A3A|.B.G .E.D|G2 A2>A|BG c>A|B(3G/A/B/ AF G2z:||