Carle He Came O'er the Craft (The)
X: 1 T:The Carle He Came O'er the Craft M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Amix Aeeg fdec|AeeB dGdB|Aeeg fdef|gedg BGdB|| Ag (f/g/a) fdec|Ag (f/g/a) (GB/c/) dB|Ag (f/g/a) (fd)ef|gedg BGdB|| ABAe cAce|g2d2 B/c/d/c/ BG|ABAe cAce|a^g/f/ ed c/d/e cA| aAAB cdef|aAAB cdef|aAAA B/c/d/c/ BG|A2 a^g a2 ef/g/|a/^g/f/e/ fd c/d/e cA||
X:2 T:Carle he came o'er the croft, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:T. Straight - 24 Favourite Dances for the Year 1783 (p. 5) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Amix A>BAe cAce|g2d2 B/=c/d BG|A>BAe ^cAce|a^g/f/ ed c/d/e cA:| |:aA2B c>def|gG2d B/=c/d BG|A2 ^gf/g/ a2 ef/g/|a^g/f/ ed c/d/e cA:|]
X:3 T:Carle Came O'er the Craft, The M:C L:1/8 N:"Allegretto" B:Wilson - Companion to the Ball Room (1816, p. 35) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A A<BAe cAce|=g2 dg B/c/d BG|A>BAe cAce|afed c/d/e cA:| |:aAAB cdef|ged=c B/c/d BG|Aagb a2 e/f/g|aefd c/d/e cA:|]
X:1 T:Carle he came o'er the craft, The M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:J. Anderson - Anderson's Budget of Strathspeys, Reels & Country Dances B: for the German Flute or Violin (Edinburgh, 1820, p. 20) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A AGAB =cdef|=g2 (d=c) BdB=G|A3 (Ac) cAce|a2 (ed) cecA:|| aAAB cdef|=g2 (dc) BdB=G|Aagb a2 (eg)|a2 (ed) cecA| aAAB =cdef|gde=c B(c/d/) (BG)|A/A/A (ag) a2 (eg)|(ae).f.d (cB).A.G||