Cloud's Reel
CLOUD'S REEL. Old-Time, Reel. USA, Pennsylvania. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. "A hornpipe in the Bayard Coll., No. 182, has a first part slightly resembling the first of this reel; otherwise the tune is unknown to the editor, and no other version has been identified" (Bayard, 1944).
Source for notated version: Robert Crow, Claysville, Pennsylvania, Sept. 13, 1943 ("Learned in that region") [Bayard].
Printed source: Bayard (Hill Country Tunes), 1944; No. 57.
X:1 T:Cloud's Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 S:Robert Crow (Claysville, Pa., 1943) B:Bayard - Hill Country Tunes Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion R:Reel K:G dc|B2G2G2AB|cG E2 [E4c4]|DEFG A2F2|DF A2 d3c| B2G2G2AB|cG E2 [E4c4]|DEFG AcBA|GBAF G2z2|| [G2B2] dd {d}b2[D2B2]|c2 {f}e2a3g|f2f2b2f2|agfe d2z2| B>bb/ b2[D2B2]|c2e2 a3g|f2f2b2f2|gfga gz||