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Annotation:Calgary Polka

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X:1 T: Gaudette Polka T: Calgary Polka C: Louis Gaudette Z:V.T. Williams M:2/4 K:A cd|(3efe ce fecf|(3efe ce c'aec|(3efe ce fecf|(3efe ce c'aec| (3efe de bged|(3efe ce c'aec|b2gb (3aba fa|(3gag eg (3fgf df| (3efe ce fecf|(3efe ce c'aec|(3efe ce fecf|(3efe ce c'aec| (3efe de bged|(3efe ce c'aec|bagf edcB|A4[ca]2|| AB|c2[cf]4cd|e2e4ea|(3fgf ea (3fgf ea|(3fgf ec dfec| B2[Bf]4Bc|d2[de]4eg|(3fgf eg (3fgf eg|(3fgf ea fedB| c2[cf]4cd|e2e4ea|(3faf ea (3faf ea|(3faf ec dfec| ddbd adbd|ccac gcac|(3gag fe (3cdc BG|A4[ca]2|| CB,|A,2 A,3 C EA|c2(3dcB ceac'|e'c'ae c'aec|aecA ecAF| E2 E3 G Be|g2(3agf gege|d'bge d'bge|c'aec AFEC| A,2 A,3 C EA|c2(3dcB ceac'|e'c'ae c'aec|aecA ecAc| ddbd adbd|ccac gcac|(3gag fe (3cdc BG|A4[ca]2|]

CALGARY POLKA. AKA and see "Gaudet Polka." American; Polka. USA, Texas. A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BCAA'. Calgary, Alberta, was named in 1876 by Colonel MacLeod, after his boyhood home, "a little inlet on the sparsely populated island of Mull, with a few grey cottages and one big house" (Matthews, 1972). The word is Norse in origin and may have meant an enclosure for calves.

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - Mark O'Connor [Phillips].

Printed sources : - Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 2), 1995; p. 337.

Recorded sources: -

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