Annotation:Alice's Reel
Composer Frankie Gavin recorded his tune with a fiddle tuned a step down, thus placing the tune in D minor, although the fingering was E minor.
Recordings: Lunasa. Katherine Tickell Band. Green Linnet SIF 3051, Frankie Gavin - "Frankie Goes to Town." Green Linnet SIF 3053, De Danann - "A Jacket of Batteries." Patty Furlong - "Traditional Irish Music on the Button Accordion" (1999). Green Linnet GLCD 1211, Kevin Crawford - "In Good Company" (2001).
Also in B minor:
X:1 T:Alice's Reel M:C| L:1/8 K:Bm Bdfd edBA|B2dB ABFA|Bdfd e2 (3fga|b2af edBA| Bdfd edBA|B2dB ABFA|AFEF ABce|1 fdec dBBA:|2 fdec dBBc|| |:d2AF Adfd|e2BG Bgfe|d2AF Adfd|1 egfe dBBc:|2 egfe dBBA||