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X:1 T:Choctaw Bill N:From the playing of Bob Douglas & Georgia Boy Brown (Tenn.) M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Rag D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/choctaw-bill-0 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C [de]-|[e3e3] +slide+[ee]- [ee]dc2|A4G4|c2de- ega2|g6 [d2e2]-| [e3e3] +slide+[ee]- [ee]dc2|A4G4|A2Bc- ccd2|c6:| zD|-E2 EF EDCE|F2FFF2D2|-D2d2 BAGB|cBcd edcA| E2 EF EDCE|F2FFF2D2|-D2d2 BAGB|c2 cc c2cG| EDEF EDCE|F2 FF F2FF|FAdc BAGG|c2cc _edcA| E2 EF EDCE|F2FFF2d2|-d2 d2 BAGB|c2 cc c2||

Bob Douglas
CHOCTAW BILL. American, Reel (cut time). C Major (Phillips): A Major (Canote). Standard or AEac# tuning (fiddle). AABB (Canote): AA'BB (Phillips). "Choctaw Bill" was recorded by both Bob Douglas and Blaine Smith, of east Tennessee. There were a few 'Choctaw Bill's' in the Louisiana/Texas region, including William Robinson (1809–1898), an early Texas pioneer and an ordained Baptist minister who organized or served as pastor to some 20 churches, and William Williams (1776-c. 1830) of Louisiana. Robinson was nicknamed 'Choctaw Bill' because a band of Choctaw Indians once complained about his long sermons, which could go on for hours. The melody is sourced to Tennessee fiddler Blaine Smith, and seems to be unique to his repertoire. Smith was recorded in the field in 1977 but proved to be a reticent and un-talkative man of whom it rumor had (not accurately) that he had served time in the Brushy Mountain Maximum Security State Penitentiary for murdering a man who stumbled across his moonshine operation.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - biography:Bob Douglas (1900-2001, Rhea County, Tennessee) [Phillips].

Printed sources : - Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 1), 1994; p. 50.

See also listing at :
Hear Bob Douglas's version at Slippery Hill [1]
Hear the Canote Brothers' version at Slippery Hill [2]

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