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The title refers to the heroic Marquess of Montrose (1612–1650), James Graham, a 17th century Scottish aristocrat chosen by Charles I of England to quell a rebellion in Scotland, and reputedly a man who lived scrupulously and bravely.
Montrose's March

Played by: Ben Miller & Anita MacDonald
Source: Youtube
Notes: James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose.
Miniature (1838), after Van Dyck original owned by the present-day Duke of Montrose.

Montrose's March

The title was published by Playford in his Musick's Recreation (1669), however, the melody earlier appeared in Playford's Musick's Hand-Maid (1663) as the generically-title "A Scotish [sic] March." William Stenhouse, in his Illustrations to the Scots Musical Museum (p. 197), opined "the second strain contains a redundant bar which spoils the measure". It is the ancestral melody for a widespread and varied tune family found throughout Britain and Ireland, and was also imported to North America[1]. One of its more famous derivatives is "Rock and a Wee Pickle Tow (A)," which appeared in Joseph Mitchell's opera Highland Fair; or, A Union of the Clans (1731), later printed in London publisher James Oswald's Curious Collection of Scots Tunes (1739). See also the distanced derivative "Old Woman Tossed Up in a Blanket (4)."

...more at: Montrose's March - full Score(s) and Annotations

X:1 T:Montrosses' March B:Musick's Delight on the Cithren, Playford N:as printed in CRE II, no. 12 (ii) N:time signature changed to 6/4 from original "3" Z:Transcribed by Paul de Grae M:6/4 L:1/4 K:G GBB B2 e|d>eB A2 G|G/A/BB B2 A|BGG [GBdg]:| |:eeg eeg|eeg edB|dde dde|d2 e dBG|G/A/BB B>^cB/c/| d>Bc/d/ e3|de/d/c/B/ A2 G|G/A/BB B2 A|BGG [GBdg]:|

  1. See Prof. Samuel Bayard's remarks on the tune family in Dance to the Fiddle, March to the Fife, 1981.
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