Wedding Day (7)
X: 1 T:Wedding Day [7],The. JJo.007 S:J.Jones MS,1801,N.Shrops. N:Verse begins after short introduction... W:"What virgin or shepherd in valley or grove W:Will envy my innocent....."(becomes difficult to read). N:The song is more of a middle class popular piece rather N:than a working class "folk song". Indeed the whole of the N:MS reflects an educated and 'cultured' background. Mr Jones' N:repertoire probably comprised the 'pop' songs of the day. N:The 2/4 section at the end may not be part of the piece! A:N Shropshire Z:Neil Brookes 2006 M:4/4 Q:1/4=100 K:G d>c|BgdB A>GAB|G2GA/B/ D2E>F|G>AGe dBAG|B2A>AA2d>c|\ BgdB A>GAB|! G2GA/B/ D2EF|\ CG/f/e/d/ d/c/B/A/ G/b/a/g/ f/e/d/c/|\ Bd'd'd' d'c'bg|bagd||! "^verse starts"d>c|BgdB A>GAB|G2GA/B/ D2E>F|\ G>AGe dBAG|B2A2z2d>c|! BgdB A>GAB|G2GA/B/ D2E>F|\ BgdB A>GAB|G6d2|! dB/c/d/B/ G2 ce|d2 B/c/d/B/G3A3|\ BgdB ga/b/e^d|e6ef/g/|! dBBB B2e/d//c/B/|cAAA A2d/c/B/A/|\ G>FGe dGcB|B2A2z2d2|! dBBB B2e/d//c/B/|cAAA A2f2|gd d>e dB d/c/B/A/|! "_A4 writ under first group of squ"G/g/g/e/ d/c/B/A/ Gb/a/g/ f/e/d/c/|\ Bd'd'd' d'c'bg|bagf g2|| M:2/4 W:"Never till now I felt Love's Lament(?)" B2A>B|c3B|AGAB|{A}G4|G>ABc|d3d|e>dcB|B2A2|! B2Ad|G3A3|B>GdB|B2A2|d2gf|edcB|B2TA2|G4|]
X:1 T:Wedding Day, The M:C L:1/8 B:Manson – Hamilton’s Universal Tune Book vol. 1 (1853, p. 179) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G "Moderate"d>c|BgdB A>GAB|G2 G>>AB/4 D2 E>F|G>Age dBAG|(B2A2) z2 d>c| BgdB A>GAB|G2 G>>AB/4 D2 E>F|Ggfe dcBA|G6 d2| d2 B/c/d/B/ G2 ce|d2 B/c/d/B/ G3A|Bdef g>>ab/4 e^d|!fermata!e6 e>>fg/4| dBBB B2 e/d/c/B/|cAAA A2 d/c/B/A/|G>FGe dGcB|!fermata!(B2!fermata!A2) z2d2| dBBB B2 e/d/c/B/|cAAA A2f2|g<dd>e dB d/c/B/A/ |G4 z2||