Featured Tunes Music Library
Featured Tunes Music Library
Featured Tunes are considered to be some of the best articles TTA has to offer, as determined by TTA's editors. They are used by editors as examples for writing other articles.
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Played by: - Fionnlagh Ballantine
Source: Soundcloud
Image: Máire Rua O'Brien, Irish aristocrat, of Leamaneh Castle.

Played by: Kirsten Easdale
Source: Spotify
Image: A Curious Collection of Scots Tunes for Violin, Bass Viol or German Flute with thorough bass for the Harpsichord.

Played by: Ronan Browne
Source: TTA
Image: Rural Felicity - Printed for & Sold by Bowles & Carver. N. 69 in St. Paul Church Yard - London.

Played by: Mairéad-Ní-Mhaonaigh-Frankie-Kennedy
Source: Spotify
Image: Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh and Frankie Kennedy in 1983.

Played by: Chris Susans
Source: Soundcloud
Image: Thomas d'Urfey - His multi-volume Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy, written between 1698 and 1720, is a collection of songs and ballads.