I'm a harpist, guitarist, flute player in Bologna. I played classical music, jazz, blues, and for many years even ancient, medieval and Irish music. In 1990 I founded the group "You believed us velvet face", where I sang and played as jazz guitarist in the '40s / 50s. Since 1994 I played Irish music with "Poteen" group and later Irish and Scottish with "Fiddler's Elbow", both in Bologna. From 1998 to 2008 I played with "Samhradh", an Irish, Medieval and Renaissance music group. Then I played in various formations with musicians such as Gregory Bellodi, Valentina Bucchi, Silvia Testoni. I Played Irish dancing music with Hidden Notes in Tuscany. In 2007 I met the bodhranist and instrument maker Seamus O'Kane with whom I recorded the cd "Open the Door Softly" and performed several concerts. From 2006 to 2010 I held a group of interest on the harp at Folkfest by San Benedetto in Alpe (FC-Italy). In 2009-2010 I taught Celtic harp at the Folk Music School of Forlimpopoli (FC-Italy). From 2009 to 2011 I taught Celtic harp at the "Celtica" celtic festival in Valle d'Aosta.
"I've always heard a lot of music from many genres, always looking for the essence of what I was listening to ... I'm always curious looking for that note that makes me dream, I like to call it 'look for the sauce'