<abc float="left">
T:Balquhidder, As performed by Major Logan
S:Fraser Collection
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
c|d2 F>c A2 A>c|d2 F>c AGG>c|d2 F>c A2 Ac|d>ef>d cA A:|
~c|d>ef>d c<A a>g|f>c d/c/B/A/ AGG~c|d>ef>d c<A a>G|
f<d f>d c>AA~c|d>ef>d c<A a>g|f>c d/c/B/A/ AGG A/G/|
F>ED>E F>GA>c|d>ef>d cAA||
BALQUHIDDER. AKA - "Bochuidear." Scottish, Slow Air (4/4 time). F Major. Standard tuning. AAB. "As performed by Major Logan." "The dancing set alone of this air has as yet been handed to the public. It was performed with peculiar tatste by Major Logan, whose set of it the editor was at pains to acquire, but scarcely differing from a song to the same air, sung by the editor's father, composed by Mrs. Fraser of Belladrum, expressing her regret at his continuing too long a bachelor, and intimating, that if he waited till she became a widow, she would by at his service" (Fraser). Balquhidder is a town in Stirling, Scotland, the site of Rob Roy's grave.
Printed source: Fraser (The Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles), 1874; No. 77, pg. 28.