Briton's Glory
X:1 T:Briton's Glory M:C L:1/8 R:Quick Step B:William Gunn - The Caledonian Repository of Music B:Adapted for the Bagpipes (Glasgow, 1848, p. 95) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bmin BBBc dcde|fafe dcde|f2 BB B2 cd|edcB ABcA| BBBc dcde|fafe dcde|f2 B2 c2 BA|B<B A B2 c f2:| fafe dcde|fafe dcde|f2 BB B2 cd|edcB ABcA| fafe dcde|fafe dcde|f2B2c2 BA|B<B A B2 c f2| fafe dcde|fafe dcde|f2 BB B2 cd|edcB ABcA| BBBc dcde|fafe dcde|f2B2c2 BA B<B A B2 c f2||