Annotation:Rush Cart Lads
X:1 % T:Rush Cart Lads M:4/4 L:1/8 B:Karpeles - Lancashire Morris Dances (1930) K:G d3e d2B2|ABcd e4|d2B2B2G2|F4 D4:| G2B2B2AG|F2A2A4|G2B2B2 AG|F4 D4| G2B2B2 AG|F2A2 A4|d2d2 ^c2e2|d2f2 d4||
RUSH CART LADS. English, Morris Dance Tune (4/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The tune used as a vehicle for a dance in the North-West (England) morris dance tradition. It was collected from the playing of concertina player Lees Kershaw (c.1873-c.1935), Royton, Lancashire, 22 August, 1928, by folklorist Maude Karpeles (1885-1976). Kershaw had played with the Royton Morris team since 1891, but at the time Karpeles contacted him there were only four dancers. Subsequently, the team was reconstituted with eight dancers.