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Annotation:Sláinte Righ Philib (2)

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X:1 T:Slainte Righ Pilib [2] T:Health to King Phillip M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:"Moderato" S:O'Farrell's Pocket Companion, 1804-1810 Z:Paul Kinder R:Air K:Amin A2|G2 A2 A2|A2 B2 AG|A2 B2 d2|e2 ^f2 g2|d2 B2 BA| G4 ed|B2 A2 A2|A2 B2 AG|A2 B 2d2|e2 ^f2 g2| B4 A2|A4:||:ed|e2 a2 a2|a2 b2 ag|a4 ba| g2 e2 g2|d2 B2 BA|G4 ed|B2 A2 A2| A2 B2 AG|A2 B2 d2|e2 ^f2 g2|B4 A2|A4:||!

SLAINTE RIGH PILIB [2]. Irish, Air (3/4 time). A Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB.

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - copied from O’Farrell’s Pocket Companion, vol. II (c. 1806) [Goodman, O’Neill].

Printed sources : - O’Farrell (Pocket Companion, vol. II), c. 1806; p. 150 (appears as “Slaunta Ree Philip”). O’Neill (Waifs and Strays of Gaelic Melody), 1922.

Recorded sources: -

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