House on the Corner (The)
House on the Corner (The): Annotations
X:1 % T:Untitled Jig M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:”From James Barton” S:Henry Hudson manuscript collection c. 1841 (Dublin, No. 246) N:Hudson was a Dublin dentist and an early collector. He was N:music editor of The Citizen or Dublin Monthly Magazine from N:1841-1843. F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G d/c/|BGB def|gdc B2G|(c/d/ec) dBg|c>Bc A>Bc| BGB def|gdc Bcd|eag {g}Tf>ef|gGG G2:| |:B/c/|d>B~B G>B~B|d>B~B G>B~B|c>A~A F>A~A|c>A~A F>A~A| d>B~B e>c~c|f>d~d g>e~e|d>B~B .c.A.f|.g.G.G G2:|
X:1 % T:House in the Corner, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Q:"Moderately Fast" B:R.M. Levey – First Collection of the Dance Music of Ireland (1858, No. 37, p. 15) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A d|cAc efg|aed c2A|dfd eca|dBB B2d| cAc efg|aed c2A|Bba {a}gfg|aAA A2:| |:c|(ec)c (Ac)c|(ec)c (Ac)c|(dB)B (GB)B|dBB GBB| ecc fdd|gee aff|ecc dBg|aAA A2:|]
X:1 % T:House in the Corner, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Q:"Moderately fast" B:P.M. Haverty – One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 2 (1858, No. 121, p. 56) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A d|cAc efg|aed c2A|dfd eca|dBB B2d| cAc efg|aed c2A|Bba {a}gfg|aAA A2:| |:c|(ec)c (Ac)c|(ec)c (Ac)c|(dB)B (GB)B|dBB GBB| Ecc fdd|gee aff|ecc dBg|aAA A2:|]
House on the Corner (The): Annotations