Pride of the West (1)
Pride of the West (1): Annotations
X:1 T:Pride of the West T:Jack Coen’s T:Leg of the Duck [2] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig K:G DGG GAG|FEF D2c|~B3 GBd|cAF ~F3| D2G GAG|FEF DBc|ded cAF|1 AGF GFE:|2 AGF GBc|| |:dgg dff|dgg cBc|dgg dff|GAB ABc| def gab|agf g2e|fed cAF|1 AGF GBc:|2 AGF GED|| X:2 T:Leg of the Duck [2] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig K:G DGG GAG|FEF Ddc|~B3 GBd|cAG FEF| DGG GAG|FEF DBc|ded cAF|AGF G3:| |:dgg def|dgg cBc|dgg def|GFG ABc| def ~g3|agf g2e|fed cAF|AGF G3:|]
Pride of the West (1): Annotations