When You Go to the Hill Take Your Gun
When You Go to the Hill Take Your Gun: Annotations
X:1 T:When You Go to the Hill Take Your Gun M:C| L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:David Glen's Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music Book 1 (1876, No. 27) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amix a|A/A<Ac>A d>Bc>A|c/e/Ac<g d>BGa|A/A<Ac>A d>Bc>A| c/d/e f/g/a c>AA:||B|A<a a>e g>ea>e|fd/d/g>d B>AG>B| A<a a>e g>ea>e|g>a g/f/e a>ee>d|c<a a>e g>ea>e| fd/d/g>d B>AG>g|g<ff<e e<dd,c|B<Bg>B c>AA||
X:1 T:When You Go to the Hill Take Your Gun M:C| L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Köhler’s Violin Repository vol. 3 (1885, p. 277) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G B|D>G(B>G) (c>A)(B>G)|A/A/A (B>G) c>A(=F<A)|D>G(B>G) (c>A)(B<G)| A/A/A (d>c) B>G(GB)|D>G(B>G) (c>A)(B>G)|A/A/A (B>G) c>A(=F<A)| D>G(B>G) (c>A)(B>G)|A/A/A (d>{ed}c) B>GG||f|g>d(d>e) (=f>{gfe}g) {fg}a>g| =f>d(c>{dc}_B) AFF^f|g<(dd>e) (g>a) {ga}b>a|g>d(d>e) (g/f/g/a/) g>b| g<(dd>e) (=f{gf}e)(fa)|=f>d(c>{dc}_B) AFF (e/^f)|g>e(=f>d) (e>c)(d>B)|A<g f<a gGG!D.C.!||
When You Go to the Hill Take Your Gun: Annotations