Dailey's Reel

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Dailey's Reel  Click on the tune title to see or modify Dailey's Reel's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Dailey's Reel
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 Theme code Index    1313L 1342
 Also known as    Daley's Reel, Daly's Reel
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    United States
 Genre/Style    Bluegrass, Old-Time
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    B
 Accidental    2 flats
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4
 Structure    AABB
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:David Brody
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Fiddler's Fakebook (The)
 Tune and/or Page number    p. 82
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1983
 Artist    Biography:Kenny Baker
 Title of recording    Farmyard Swing
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    County 775
 Year recorded    1979
 Score   ()   

X:1 T:Dailey's Reel T:Daley's Reel N:From the playing of bluegrass fiddler Kenny Baker (1926-2011), N:originally from Burdine, Letcher County, Ky. on the border with Va. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:County 775, Kenny Baker - Farmyard Swing (1979) D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/daileys-reel Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:Bb SDF| B2 dc BFDF| BcdB edcB |AFFc AcFc| AFcd|ecGA| B2dc BFDF |BcdB edcB| AcFc AFFA |1cedc B2 :|2 cedc B2B2|| |:g3b geBe| ([G6B5] A2)|f=efg fdBG|F6-FD|E-FAB c2c2| DFBc d2d2|1cBcd ecAc|BABc BcBe:|2 ecAF EFAc|B-ABc B2S|]

X:1 T:Daley's Reel N:"As arranged and played by Joe Pancerzewski" in 1985, who transcribed N:and sent it to Seattle fiddler Vivian Williams. M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel K:Bb F|Bd/c/ B/F/D/F/|B/F/d/B/ e/d/c/B/|A/F/A/c/ f/c/A/c/|A/c/f/c/ d/c/A/c/| Bd/c/ B/F/D/F/|B/F/d/B/ e/d/c/B/|A/F/A/c/ f/c/A/c/|B/A/B/c/ B4:| |:[Bg]>g [Bg][Bg]|G/F/G/A/ B/A/G|[Af]>f [Af][Af]|F/E/F/G/ A/G/F| F/G/A/B/ c/d/c|D/F/B/c/ d/e/d|c/B/c/d/ e/c/A/c/ |[D/B/][D/A/][D/B/][D/c/] B2:|

X:1 T:Dailey's Reel M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:from Garry Hill, arr. Mabel Vogt, presented at WOTFA Kittitas wkshps. Z:Transcribed by Mabel Vogt; abc's by Phil Katz K:Bb DF|"Bb"B2 dc BFDF|BcdB edcB|"F"AcFc AcFc|AFAc ecAc| "Bb"B2 dc BFDF|BcdB|edcB|"F"AcFc AFFA|"F"cedc "Bb"B2:| |:cdf|"Eb"g3b gfeB|G4- G2g2|"Bb"f2 fg fdBG|F4 FGFD| "F"EFAc eceE|"Bb"DFBc d2d2|"F"cBcd ecAc|"Bb"BABc B2:|]

X: 1 T:Daly's Reel Variation 1 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:120 C:Traditional S:Arrangement by S. Cruzen R:Reel K:G B,D|:"G"G2 B-A GDB,D|GABG cBAG|"D"AcAc AFDF|Ac(3BcB AFDF|! "G"G2 B-A GDB,D|GABG cBAG|"D"AcAc Bdc~B|[1AFDF "G"G2 B,D:|[2AFDF "G"GABd]! "C"e3 g ecAG|EDCD EGAc|d^cde dBGD|B,DGF GDB,D|"D"CDFGA2A2|! "G"B,DGA B2B2|[1"D"AFAB cAFA|"G"GFGA GABd:|[2"D"AFAB cAFD|"G"GABd G4|]! "Variation"!

X: 2 T: Daly's (beoga, bryon sutton) R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 S:https://thesession.org/tunes/1361 K: Gmaj (3DEF|: G2 BA GD~D2|B,DGB cBAG| F2 A-G FD~D2|CEAB cAFA| G2 B-A GD~D2|GABG cBAG| F2 A-G FDEF|[1 G~G AF G2 (3DEF:|[2 G~G AF G ggf|| e~e3 ecAG|E~E2F GABc|d^cde dBGE|D~D2E _FDB,D| CEABc2zD| B,DGA B2z2|[1 AFAB cAFA| G~GFA G ggf :|[2 AFAB cAFA| G~GFA G2 (3DEF |]