
Find traditional instrumental music
Revision as of 14:05, 28 August 2011 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)


DB CONNECT mysql --user=tunearch_user --password=AD41f018 --database=tunearch_wikidb

DB SELECT SELECT * FROM page where page_title = '<ARTICLE>'; SELECT * FROM smw_ids where smw_id = <SOME_ID;

MYSQLDUMP /usr/bin/mysqldump -u tunearch_user --password=AD41f018 --default-character-set=latin1 tunearch_wikidb -c | /bin/gzip -9 > ~/public_html/tunearchftp/TuneArch-$(date '+%Y%m%d').sql.gz

XMLDUMP /usr/bin/php -n -d register_argc_argv=true /home/tunearch/public_html/w/maintenance/dumpBackup.php --full | /bin/gzip -9 > ~/public_html/tunearchftp/TuneArch-$(date '+%Y%m%d').xml.gz

Error message: Cannot get command line arguments, register_argc_argv is set to false (TODO: Investigate).
/usr/bin/php -n -d register_argc_argv=true

scp tunearch@ .
password: TI46;DSC;A

tar xvzf mediawiki-1.17.0.tar.gz -C /path/to/your/wiki/ --strip-components=1

/home/tunearch/opt/usr/bin/indexer --quiet --config /home/tunearch/opt/etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf --rotate > /dev/null 2>&1

manual indexing
/home/tunearch/opt/usr/bin/indexer --config /home/tunearch/opt/etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf --all

/home/tunearch/opt/usr/bin/searchd --config /home/tunearch/opt/etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf

/home/tunearch/opt/usr/bin/searchd --config /home/tunearch/opt/etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf --stop


    • Special:RunQuery/LinkedInForm|Tune Connections

Rebuilding everything

The above methods should be able to fix data records in SMW in most cases. However, it is conceivable that some erroneous content of the SMW storage still persists for some reason. In this case, it makes sense to completely delete and reinstall the database structures of SMW before refreshing all data. To completely delete all SMW data, the setup script SMW_setup.php is used with parameter --delete:

php SMW_setup.php --delete

After this, proceed as if re-installing SMW anew by first running php SMW_setup.php again, and then triggering the repair of all data using one of the above methods. The refresh script SMW_refreshData.php can be also used with parameter -f to delete and recreate all data in one step. In this case, it is suggested to first rebuild the records for all properties and types, and to process the remaining data afterwards. So one would run:

php SMW_refreshData.php -ftpv
php SMW_refreshData.php -v

Note that of course only the first run uses -f. On large wikis, the parameters -s and -e can again be used as explained in the previous section.