Swans among the Rushes
X: 2 T:Swans among The Rushes R:Jig C:Ed Reavy M:6/8 L:1/8 Z:Joe Reavy N:Ed loved to watch their flight and see them N:"paddle in the cold companionable streams or N:climb the air." He watched them, too, when N:they laid their eggs among the rushes in the lake N:waters near the family farm in Barnagrove. K:G f | gfg agf | gdB e2 d | cBc EFG | AGE D2 B, | DGB BAB | dcB cBc | fed cAF | GBA G3 :|| Bcd efg | fdf ecA | GBd eag | fdf g3 | Bcd efg | fdf ece | fef agf | gba g2 :||
T:Swans among the Rushes
C:Ed Reavy
gfg agf | gdB e2d | cBc EFG | AGE DB,C, |
D2B BAB | dcB c2e | fed cAF |1 AGF GBd :| AGF G2A ||
Bcd efg | f2f ecA | GBd eag | fef g2g |
Bcd efg | f2f ecA | fef agf |1 gba g2d :| gba gef ||