South Shore (1)
X:1 T:South Shore [1] R:Hornpipe B:Köhler's Violin Repository, Book 2, 1885, p. 117 Z:François-Emmanuel de Wasseige N:The repeat sign at the end of the last bar has been omitted. M:C| L:1/8 K:D A2|d2fd (cd)Bc|ABGA FGEF|(DF)Ad (EG)Bd|Bege dcBA | d2fd (cd)Bc|ABAG FDFA|BGBd cAce|f2d2 d2:| z2|vf2f2 (f/g/a) fd|g2g2 (g/a/b) ge|f2f2 (f/g/a) fd|(ed)cB Aceg| f2f2 (f/g/a) fd|g2g2 (g/a/b) ge|(f/g/a) fd (Bg)ec|d2f2 d2|| (ag)|(f/g/a) fd (fa)fd|(g/a/b) ge (gb)ge|(f/g/a) fd (fa)fd|edcB A2g2| (f/g/a) fd (fa)fd|(g/a/b) ge (gb)ge|(fa)fd|(Bg)ec|d2f2 d2|]
X: 1 T: The South Shore [2] R: hornpipe C:James Hill N:The title refers to the south shore of the Tyne. M: C| L: 1/8 K: Dmaj A2|dfaf gfeg|fdAG FGAd|BGBG FAdf|gfed cdeA| dfaf gfeg|fdAG FGAd|BGBG FGAd|gedc d2:| |:fg|a2fa dafa|dafa bagf|g2eg =cgeg|=cgeg agfe| a2fa dafa|dafa bagf|gfga gbag|fedc d2:|