Wind that Turns the Mill
X:1 T: The Wind That Turns the Mill C:Andy DeJarlis N:From Mabel Vogt, Potlatch, Idaho. N:The tune is in the Evergreen Fiddler Tunebook Volume I, published by the N:Washington State Old Time Fiddlers Association in 2005, currently out of print. Z:Stuart Williams, abc's by V.T. Williams M:C| K:A ed|"A"c2ec acec|Acec acec|"D"dcde fgaf|"E7"g/f/e cde2ed| "A"c2ec acec|Acec acec|"D"dcde fgaf|"E7"ecBc"A"A2:| |:CB,|A,2CE FECB,|A,B,CE A2A2|"G"=G,2B,D =GDB,A,|=G,A,B,D =GDB,G,| "A"A,B,CE FECB,|A,B,CEA2AF|"E7"EFGA BcdB|c/B/A GB"A"A2:|