Good Night and God be with You (2)
X:28 T:Goodnight and God be with you. JBa.27 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 S:Joseph Barnes MS,Carlisle,1762. R:.Air O:England A:Carlisle N:Very like Buttered Peas/Stumpie H:See Paul’s notes. Z:vmp.C.Graebe. K:A major %“_MS has time sig as 6/8, Key sig Gmaj”\ Ac a2 ag/f/ fa | Ac a2 ac/B/ Bc |\ Ac a2 ag/f/ fa | ca ed/c/ fBBf :|! |:Ac ed/c/ ac ed/c/ | Ac ed/c/ fBBf | Ac e(d/c/) ac ed/c/ |\ ca ed/c/ acBc :||: ! Ac e2 ed/c/ ca | Ac e2 ed/c/ Bc | Ac e2 ed/c/ ca | ca ed/c/ fBBf :|