Andrew's board

Showing messages 51-71 of 59 messages.

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posted 1349 days ago

I just added the complete score to Centennial Waltz. The title of the tune in the already existing entry is mis-spelled, and I can't fix it. I guess there's one advantage to all this lock-down and social isolation stuff; it allows more time for playing with the TTA!

posted 1356 days ago

Yikes, I found a big fat mistake in TTA that is beyond my ability to fix. The entry for "The St. Kilda Wedding" has the wrong tune in it. "St. Kilda's Reel" is a totally unrelated tune. So I didn't want to just graft the real St Kilda Wedding score and info into that entry, because it's in a different key and the history is different. But I don't have the ability to change the tune title, or the confidence to move all the info into a new tune entry for "St. Kilda's Reel." And I don't want to create a new tune entry for The St. Kilda Wedding because that would be hopelessly confusing.

posted 1436 days ago

I’ve just posted a bunch of info about “Fanny Elsler’s Spanish Chacuca” on TTA, plus I added a waltz tune derived from it, “My Daddy Was a Dutchman” (among many other names) as a separate tune. Naturally, since I am techno-ignorant, there are some problems with my entries – they don’t want to link to other TTA tune titles (except where I didn’t want them to, and I “fixed” that by adding (2) to the title), and there are some extraneous weird things like <brdata-mce-bogus="1" /> that I can’t get rid of. I’m sure that you guys will have no trouble fixing these minor issues!

I’m curious about another version of the tune, which seems to be intermediate between these two tunes. It’s William Sidney Mount’s version, where the second part of the tune sounds similar to the “My Daddy Was a Dutchman” version, rather than the original Cachucha. This is very odd, since Mount attended one of Elssler’s performance in 1840 or 1841 and wrote down the tune from his memory of that performance. I have written down abc’s of what I heard from the Smithsonian “Cradle of Harmony” recording. But the violinist, Gilbert Ross, plays so un-rhythmically that it’s hard to know where the first beat of the bar actually is! You have had access to Mount’s notebooks; do you have a copy of his version of the tune?

This is my interpretation of what Ross played:

X:1 T:La Cachuca second part % from William Sidney Mount M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G F GA|B3Ac2|B4 G2|B2c2d2|e2dc BA|A2^G2B2|A4 AA|A2B2c2|e2d2BB| B2A2c2|B4 G2|B2c2d2|e2d2 AB|A2^G2 B2|A4^G2|A2B2c2|e2d2||

posted 1465 days ago

....I also invite you to follow him and listen to all af the collection.

Try this one :

posted 1465 days ago

I met Fionnlagh Ballantine by chance looking for some clips on soundcloud.

I invite you to visit his channel on SoundCloud.

It's a gold mine


posted 1524 days ago

I'm going to have to give up on using tunes from the bcfiddlers. They convert just fine on the Colin Hume and Montreal Session sites, but there's something preventing them from displaying properly on TTA, and I don't know enough about abc's to troubleshoot them. Sorry -- there are some good tunes there that I haven't found elsewhere. Vivian

posted 1524 days ago

This is getting really weird. I entered a new tune, Little Village Waltz, but the abc's won't convert to sheet music when I save the file. I got them from the BC Fiddlers site, and they converted fine when I put them in 2 different abc converters (Colin Hume, and Montreal Session). So what do I do now? Vivian Williams

posted 1524 days ago

Yikes, I got confident in my ABC editing ability and decided to do a bit of tinkering with Orvetta Waltz (2) - namely separate the first eighth notes following the dotted quarters, to clearly distinguish them from the triplets in other sections. But the display got all messed up, so I tried to restore what was there before, but now I can't get the whole tune to display. Sorry, I should have left well enough alone!!!! Vivian Williams

posted 1527 days ago

There are two unrelated tunes called Orvetta Waltz, and they are both played by fiddlers. And they're both on the same TTA page. The Chambers abc collection has both tunes, and calls the Vesta Johnson one "Orvetta Waltz (2)." I was going to try to create another page on TTA so I could separate the two tunes, but this could involve changing the name of the current one, which I think is beyond my power! Plus, the transcription of the Spencer tune on the TTA page is kind of messed up, with a bunch of extraneous repeat marks at the end of sections, and I'm not an abc expert. The fiddle recording I have of the Spencer tune is Myllie Barron's "Fiddler on the Loose," Voyager 331 (1982). So how do we go about separating the two waltzes, and which one should be (1) and which one should be (2)?? Vivian Williams

posted 1550 days ago

I just noticed that the second half of the article A Night at the Opera from Fiddler Magazine Fall 2008 is missing from Traditional Tune Archive, although it is on Fiddlers Companion. Vivian Williams

posted 1629 days ago


posted 1672 days ago

Hello Andy, do you receive this message along with the correct notification next to the ringing bell in the top left corner?

posted 1675 days ago

I keep on sending messages using this board-to-board system but it doesn't seem to work. Let's see!

posted 1680 days ago

Hello Andrew, I have enabled the Echo extension again because I received some clue from the community. I'm monitoring the TTA but please let me know if you feel the system is slowing down in the coming days. Thanks.

posted 1814 days ago


posted 1814 days ago

>> Is this the one you're referring to? I don't think so... I'm referring to a "pending friend request" with Andrew. It'd show up to you as an e-mail from TTA (like the one you receive when I send you a message. (PS: you can stop receiving this e-mails just configuring your profile. See the bottom of the e-mails)

posted 1814 days ago

I'm going to send you an e-mail to Let me know if you receive the same e-mail at instead

posted 1814 days ago

Thanks so much.

posted 1814 days ago

One final thing, Let me know when you download the Brave Browser from TTA. I need to check the entire mechanism

posted 1814 days ago

BTW, I sent you a "Friend Request" that probably you did not received. Can you check among your e-mails (perhaps in spam)?

posted 1814 days ago

It's strange because in your User Info I see: Username: Andrew (talk | contribs) User ID: #4 Email: Real name: Andrew Kuntz Registration date: 23:25, February 13, 2010 User record last touched: 13:17, July 16, 2019 Email authentication: authenticated on 13:15, July 16, 2019