MalcolmSchonfield's board

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posted 328 days ago

Hi Malcolm. I've made an administrative move of "Michael Coleman's Hop Jig" to merge it with "Promenade (1)," as we are trying to consolidate, albeit slowly, some of our entries so as to cut down on unnecessary navigation between pages. I must say, though, on playing through your transcription, that I found it difficult to place in the context of a slip/hop jig, which is usually transcribed in 9/8 time. When the 9/8 version and your 3/4 version are played one after the other (as you can do on the "ABC Sandbox" feature of the TTA by cutting and pasting the abc's ) there is a rhythmic disconnect. However, you do indicate that the quavers are to be 'swung' and there is no way to do that on the playback software we have. If this is perhaps the issue, may I recommend that the direction to swing the music be made somehow more prominent?