Vivian T. Williams's board

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posted 315 days ago

Hi Vivian,

do you know that the e-mail address linked to your TTA account is no longer reachable? That's why I get many error emails from the system. This is not a problem: not for me nor for the system but you may not be receiving important information that you would like to be made aware of.

I am writing to you in this chat because that is the only way I can try to reach you. I am at your disposal if you need help.

Thank you very much

Valerio (The System Operator at TTA)

posted 887 days ago

Hi Vivian. Do you known if Myllie Barron's "Tina's Schottische" is the same tune as Don Messer's "Tina's Scottische"? The version I have at the TTA is in a Messer book from 1949, but the liner notes from Barron indicate "Composed by Alfred Bernowich a Serbian-born musician whom Myllie knew in Flin Flon, and named after Alfred's daughter." Sounds like they may be different tunes, but do have/can't access Barron's recording to tell if they're different.

posted 970 days ago

Duplicate removed. I'm perfectly glad to do "admin" things like this anytime, but I'll point out that since you have administrator rights you can also edit. At the bar on the top of the TTA page (where it says "Traditional Tune Archive" on the left) you'll see a star, and to the right of the star are three dots. If you click on the dots it brings down a menu the included "Delete" and "Move". You can delete any page using that.

posted 1116 days ago

Hi Vivian. Thought you'd like to know that I found a version of your Peter Beemer's "Evening Star Waltz" in a c. 1851 ms. from a man named Isaac Homan, from Bellport, Long Island. The tune got around! Its on the TTA with Peter's at "Evening Star Waltz [3]".

posted 1216 days ago

Thanks Vivian. Not the first time you've corrected my typos! Much appreciated.

posted 1300 days ago

Vivian, I'm so happy to see the Adam volume tunes go up on the TTA! I've searched for years for a copy of that issue, with no luck. I tried interlibrary loan, and local universities, but no one had a copy. Its frequently cited, and now its on the TTA -- Thanks!

posted 1310 days ago

Thanks, Vivian. This is useful information and helpful. I am acquainted with Frank from several workshops I've taken with him, and I'll write to him. He's a storehouse of information, so maybe he'll have some on Daley's as will.

posted 1314 days ago

Hi Vivian-- First, Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you and yours have a good holiday despite the circumstances, and that everyone stays safe. I'm hoping you can help me track down a tune. I started with "Dailey's Reel" recorded by Kenny Baker, and "Daley's Reel" by Joe Greene, both recorded in the late 1970's. It was picked up by Fiddle Fever, and then crossed the sea and was recorded by Dermot Byrne and Pauline Cato (as "Daly's Reel"). It seems to have gotten around. I see that Joe Pancerzewski recorded a "Daly's Reel" on VRLP 327-S ("The Fiddling Moods of Joe Pancerzewski"), but I don't know if its the same reel or not, or when the recording was issued (prior to Baker?). I have a note that Joe Greene said it was Canadian in origin, but I can't trace it. Do you know anything about it? Thanks!

posted 1324 days ago

Looks like a different tune. I separated them out and added the first several bars of "Bohemian Polka (1)" to the TTA to illustrate.

posted 1338 days ago

Done! Thanks for the heads up Vivian.

posted 1347 days ago

Done! Embarrassing misspelling corrected! Thanks for the heads up. I'm finding your contributions to the TTA extremely interesting, Vivian. You're filling in a large region of fiddling that desperately needed more representation in the index.

posted 1353 days ago

So right! Thanks for brining the confusion of the St. Kilda's to my attention Vivian. I separated them out now.

posted 1434 days ago

We'll clean up the coding, Vivian, and glad to do it. Thanks for posting such interesting material. When I accessed the Mount material at the Long Island Museum I did not find "notebooks" per se, rather I found a large amount of single sheet music, or a couple of pages tied together at a time. There was a lot of it, but it wasn't organized (by either him or the museum). They vaguely told me at the time that his "notebooks" may have been lent to another researcher, but they didn't seem to know very much about them. Perhaps they were just putting me off, but they allowed me to photocopy whatever I wanted, and I did copy quite a bit. I got the impression that, like me, he had a lot of music lying around, with perhaps only his "working repertoire" organized and the rest just shoved into folders. Anyway, I'll look to see if the Cachuca tune is among them. I also got to play his "Cradle of Harmony" violin -- his attempt at improving the instrument--but I wasn't particularly impressed. It hadn't been played in a while, and maybe it would open up with some playing.

posted 1467 days ago

I love the Arcand tunes, Vivan, and play a couple. I'm looking forward to playing through the ones you recently posted. We play "Grey Owl" in our Quebec session, and I play "Deer Hunting Song", which is more of a march than a reel. Crooked, but melodic. Anyway, I think he's a very fine, underrated, tunesmith.

posted 1519 days ago

Vivian, what great information you found for "Helter Skelter"! I love these kind of cross-genre/transnational connections. Great sluething on your part!

posted 1520 days ago

Hi Vivian, you can always post the tunes anyway, even if they don't display the way you want them to. Valerio or I will troubleshoot the abc's so they are correct for the TTA.

posted 1520 days ago


see the for or an acceptable (I think) version of Orvetta Waltz.

Let me know please what you think.


posted 1520 days ago


there is a tool in TTA called ABCSandbox where you can input you abc notation and verify that it works for the TTA; It is at (find it in the SideBar) and a big ABC instructions page (ABC standard 2.1) at that can be of great help.

Thank you.


posted 1520 days ago


you should avoid putting html tags on your annotations and, in general, in every page (article) written in wiki-markup (the MediaWiki/Wikipedia language).

Otherwise the result is what you see in'_the_Hill_(3).

Simply write the text of your annotation; the system takes care of (almost) everything else.


posted 1520 days ago


in Guy Tetreault's Reel you left a space at the beginning of the ABC notation lines.

That's why the score didn't appear.

In TTA if you start a line of text with a space, that line is saved as it is (verbatim) with no possibility for the system to process it and then turn it into a sheet music.

It's a rule (or if you want a limit) of the MediaWiki framework (the same that animates Wikipedia).

Please go see how I corrected it and how Guy Tetreault's Reel looks like now.

Thanks for your contribution.


posted 1525 days ago

OK, done. Generally I like to have the oldest composition as [1] and later ones as [2] or [3]. If dates are not available, then assigning the version is rather arbitrary. Vivian, if you go to the bar at the top of the page (where it says "Traditional Tune Archive|Upload File|Edit|Edit Source" you will see a star and three dots. If you click on the three dots it will bring down a drop down menus that has "Delete" and "Move" as the first two selections. You can delete a page from there if you've made a mistake. You can also reassign titles using "Move". If you click on "Move" a page will appear with option for a "New Title". The old tune title will appear in a text box and you can go ahead and enter the new title in place of the old one. To finish, click "Move Page" button on the lower left of the page. If you're going to move a page, change the title first before making any other changes or corrections to it.