Aberdeen Hunt
X:2 T:Aberdeen Hunt C:Robert Petrie (?) S:Petrie's Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c., 1790 Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 3/5/04 N:Petrie's First Collection, page 3 L:1/16 M:C R:Strathspey K:Bb DG3G3A B3cd3=e | fd3c3B Af3AF3 | DG3G3A B3cd^f3 | g2d2=f2A2 {A}G4G2d2 :| %The original doesn't have a repeat sign at the end of the above line -SW (gab2) g3d Bd3gb3 | (agf=e) f3c A3cfa3 | (gab2) g3d Bd3b3g | fd3f3A G4G2d2 | (gaba) g2d2 Bd3gb3 | (agf=e) f2c2 A3cfa3 | gb3^fa3 g3ed3c | d2D2 dcBA B2G2G2 |]
T:Aberdeen Hunt
B:Stewart-Robertson – The Athole Collection (1884)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
DG3 G3A B3de3=e | fd3 c3B Af3AF3 | DG3 G3A B3c d^f3 | gd3 f3A G4G2 :|
d2 | gab2 g3d Bd3gb3 | abf=e fc3 A3cf3a | gab2 f3d Bd3 b3g |fd3 f3A G4 G3d |
gab2 g3d Bd3gb3 | agf=e f3c A3c fa3 |gb3^f3a g3=ed3c | d3D dcBA BG3G2 ||