Annotation:A.F. Irvine Esq. (Drum)

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X:1 T:A.F. Irvine Esq. (Drum) C:J. Scott Skinner M:C L:1/16 R:Solo Strathspey B:Skinner – Miller o’ Hirn Collection (1881, No. 79, p. 42) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin C2|A,3C B,3D C3ED3F|EFGE FEDC DCB,A, G,A,B,G,|A,3CB,3D C3E Dd3|{d}c3A {c}B3^G A4A2:| E2|A3Bc3d ec3g3e|dB3g3e dcBA GB3|A3Bc3d ec3g3c|BE3 {E}c3E A4- A3E| A3Bc3d ec3g3d|dB3g3e dcBA ^GE3|ABcA BcdB ce3 {e}d3c|(BE3) {E}c3B A4-A2||

A.F IRVINE (DRUM). Scottish, Solo Strathspey (whole time). A Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "A.F. Irvine" was composed by Aberdeenshire fiddler-composer and dancing master wikipedia:James_Scott_Skinner (1843-1927). wikipedia:Alexander_Forbes_Irvine (1818-1892) was a Scottish landowner, advocate, philosopher and amateur astronomer, and held the Clan Irvine seat of Drum Castle, Aberdeen, until his death. He was also chancellor of the Diocese of Brechin.

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Printed sources : - Skinner (Miller o’ Hirn Collection), 1881; No. 79, p. 42.

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