Annotation:Abandoned Banjo (The)

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X:1 T:Abandoned Banjo, The R:Reel C:© Paul Gitlitz 2009 N:At a Vancouver Island music camp someone left their banjo out in the road, N:leading to much speculation about banjocyde. M:C| Q:1/4=160 K:G "G"gded gded|gdad (ba)g2|gded gded|(BA)GB "D"(Ad)ef| "G"gded gded|gdad (ba)g2|"C"(cB)AB (cd)eg|"D"(fd)fa "G"g4:| |:"G"G,2(GA) (BA)G2|"Am"C2(AB) (cB)A2|"Bm"D2(Bc) (dc)B2|"C"ed(cB) "D"AG(FD)| "G"B,2(GA) (BA)G2|"Am"C2(AB) (cB)A2|"Bm"D2(Bc) (dc)B2|"D"AG(FA) "G"G4:|]

At a Vancouver Island music camp someone left their banjo out in the road,
leading to much speculation about banjocyde.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Paul Gitlitz

Recorded sources : -

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