T:Abb Ryman Cotillion
S:Peter Tumlinson Bell (1869-1954)
N:From a 1941 home recording by William A. Owens, Prof. of
N:English at Texas A&M University.
Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz
cd|[e2e2][^de]- [e2e2]d|c3 G2c|B2A GBd|c3 EGc|
[e2e2][^de]- [e2e2]d|c3 G2c|B2 A GBd|[E3c3]- [Ec]:|
|:ef|[c2g2]g age|c3 G2c|B2A GBd|c3 EGA|
g3 age|c3 G2c|B2 A GBd|c4- c:|
|:d|c2A GFE|c2A G2c|B2A GBd|c2A G2c/d/|
c2A GFE|c2A G2c|B2A GBd|1[E3c3] [E2c2]:|2 [E3c3]||
|:cde|geg a2g|e3 G2e|d2B GBd|[M:9/8]c2c/d/ c2A Gce|
[M:6/8]geg a2g|e3 G2e|d2B GBd|c3 :|
ABB RYMAN COTILLION. AKA - "Abner Rymaus Cotillion." American, Jig/Cotillion (6/8 time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBAABBCCDDAA. This 6/8 time dance tune was in the repertory of south Texas fiddler Peter Tumlinson "P.T." Bell (1869-1956) who was recorded in 1941 at his home in Carrizo Springs by folklorist William A. Owens (1905-1990), an English professor at Texas A&M University. Bell, who ws aged 74 at the time, was the son and grandson of fiddlers who came to the Texas frontier in 1853, and had absorbed their repertoire. Thus his playing may be representative of the mid-to-late 19th century fiddle repertory as played in Texas. Bell boasted:
I’m an oldtime fiddle player and I will play any man in Texas tune for tune, provided that he willnot use sheet or printed music; only a list of the tunes to be played, and if I can’t beat him I lose[1].
Additional notes
Recorded sources : - Field Recorder Collective FRC410, "P.T. Bell: Master Texas Fiddler" (2008).
See also listing at : Hear the 1941 home recording of Peter Bell playing the tune at Slippery Hill [1]